Annie Bond is a Texas raised comedian and breast cancer advocate currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. Despite having no family history or significant risk factors, she was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer in 2015 at just 26 years old. As the cancer spread to her liver, she was given 2-5 years to live. Fast forward…. Annie just celebrated her 9 year diagnosis anniversary! She is passionate about patient advocacy, especially surrounding mental health with young cancer patients and handling the long term traumatic effects of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. You can find her on Instagram and TikTok @theanniebond. Here are Annie’s top 5 recs:
1. Ginger candies – I quite literally have these in every single bag I own. They’re consistently a lifesaver when it comes to anxiety and random bouts of nausea.
2. A lifetime supply of Aquaphor – Cancer does crazy things to your skin, and mine went especially crazy during radiation. Aquaphor was the only thing that helped, and it has continually helped since!
3. Grocery gift cards – Eating during cancer is a very difficult and cruel game, mentally and physically. Removing the financial burden from that makes a world of difference.
4. Fluffy Blankets – we have to spend a lot of time in bed and on the couch, and there is nothing better than a cozy blanket to cuddle with!
5. Nintendo Switch – Getting cancer got me into gaming because there’s no better way to pass the time on the long hospital day than by pretending I am the mayor of an island in Animal Crossing. Or fighting to save Princess Zelda in Breath of the Wild!